
10:15pm 02-05-2010
Hi Katsu,
Thanks for your coming! That's good to be an art student. I'm glad to know that my works inspired you in some ways
Welcome to email me for any question!
7:04pm 02-05-2010
Hi Joey
I was a young man who visited ur studio at 6pm on 23/1. (i don't think u can remember me, haha!)
Thanks for answering all my questions----It is always confusing for me to be an art student. Yet, your words and works have inspired me to break the style and the rules.
Well, I'm sure that u'll carry on to make more and more achievement. Wish u every success.
P.S: If i would like to ask for advice again, may i send u emails? Hope to see u next yr!
11:05am 01-28-2010
11:03pm 01-27-2010
很喜歡你的畫作! 加油,期待看你的畫集!
10:51am 01-25-2010
Hi fong fong,
It was nice to see you too! Thank you so much for your appreciation!
10:44am 01-25-2010
Hey Issac,
對不起,我沒有用facebook,但你歡迎電郵給我[email protected]慢慢談。
12:12am 01-25-2010
Hi Joey...nice to see you today though I didnt talk to you....we like your works a lot. Happy to see the scroll, especially the blue part gave me a vivid impression. Please keep it up =)
12:10am 01-25-2010
今天很高興在伙炭遇到妳及妳的work,最近我有一個攝影的project是以pinhole camera拍攝山水畫風格的照片,idea與妳「融人入景」畫風很相近,可以和妳談談嘛?

11:25am 01-18-2010
Hi Florence,
Thanks for your coming and appreication! I'll keep it up!
1:21am 01-17-2010
Hi Joey,

Nice to see you and talk with you on today in Fotan ! I have eager to know you long time ago as I first know your works in 2008 at Grotto, also have seen your works in Art Asia and in Central plaza recently ! As I seldoms have good memory with good comments of artist while I think your work is very special, details and most important is with interesting and familiar wordings ( may be hk style ) which I forgot to tell you on today. So, hope to see your works and you for coming soon !
6:22pm 10-27-2009
Hey Gloria,

Thanks for your visiting! Those photos were taken by me ar!
Didn't see you for a long time. Let's have a drink when you have time!
1:11am 10-26-2009
Hi Joey,

Long time no see! Just visit your blog and view the wonderful photos of your trip. Taken by you or your...? Keep it up!
11:31am 08-02-2009
Hey, Fat,
Thanks for coming here! Let's add oil!
3:33am 08-02-2009
Keep it up. You are a gifted artist. I love your chinese style work.
10:42pm 07-27-2009
Thank you so much, Angel! Happy to see you too!
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